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A partnership of Academia, Industry and Research

Learn, Develop, Innovate
The AMIR Master Programme is part of the EIT RawMaterials Academy. EIT RawMaterials is initiated by EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), is funded by the European Commission and is the largest and strongest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. It has a vision for a European Union where raw materials are a strategic strength and is undertaking a mission to boost competitiveness, growth and the attractiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation and guided entrepreneurship.
The AMIR Master Programme is developed in collaboration with a wide number of academic, industrial and research partners to produce one of the world’s leading educational and entrepreneurial programmes in the field.
Partner University Network
Explore university life at the various partner locations available on the AMIR programme.
Our Industry Partners
The AMIR programme partners work with a selection of leading European industrial partners to advance innovation and technological development in the field of raw material recycling.
The partnership between the academic and real world application allows our students to develop entrepreneurial insight into the areas of needed development within the industry.

ArcelorMittal, France
With an annual production capacity of approximately 118 million tonnes of crude steel and some 209,000 employees across 60 countries, ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company.
AMIR Contact: Philippe Russo, philippe.russo@arcelormittal.com

Arkema, France
A global manufacturer in specialty chemicals and advanced materials, Arkema has 3 business segments of High Performance Materials, Industrial Specialties and Coating Solutions and is a globally recognised brand with 20,000 employees operating in close to 55 countries.
AMIR Contact: Michel Glotin, michel.glotin@arkema.com

Veolia, France
The Veolia Group is the world leader in optimised resource management. Present on five continents with more than 171,000 employees, the Group designs and deploys solutions for waste water and energy management within projects which contribute to the sustainable development of cities and industries across the globe.
AMIR Contact: Boris Lesjean, boris.lesjean@veolia.com
Our Research Partners
The AMIR programme overlays its collaboration between academia and industry with a wealth of research partners that provide expertise in how to carry out the necessary R&D to meet the innovation needs of the raw materials recycling industry.
Our research partner Tecnalia has a particular focus and contribution within this area through their entrepreneurship and innovation classes.

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
CSIC work on a large number of outreach, education and citizen science initiatives, with the goal of promoting scientific culture and making science more accessible to everyone.
AMIR Contact: Moisés Frias Rojas, mfrias@ietcc.csic.es

Fundación Tecnalia, Spain
TECNALIA aim to anticipate future challenges in order to identify and implement imaginative technological and creative solutions.
AMIR Contact: Ana Arroyo Muñoz, ana.arroyo@tecnalia.com

Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Renouvelables, France
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in the four main areas of defence and security, low carbon energies (nuclear and renewable energies), technological research for industry and fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.
AMIR Contact: Vincent Blet, vincent.blet@cea.fr

Centre de Recherches Métallurgiques, Belgium
The CRM Group focuses on the production, transformation, coating, use and recycling of metallic materials. Since 1948, CRM have provided R&D and technology solutions focusing on the development of innovative processes and products for the metallics industry.
AMIR Contact: Bernard Vanderheyden, bernard.vanderheyden@crmgroup.be

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Germany
Fraunhofer is Europe’s largest application-oriented research organisation, with a focus on health, security, communication, energy and the environment. Work undertaken by their researchers and developers aim to have a significant impact on people’s lives through new innovations.
AMIR Contact: Rudolf Stauber, rudolf.stauber@isc.fraunhofer.de
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