Select your first year
Select your second year
KU Leuven – INP Grenoble
The first year at Leuven is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the general basic knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques, materials modelling and materials processing. The students are interacting with industrial partners through company visits and lab sessions.
The second year in Grenoble aims, apart from optimization skills, to give students the complete and big picture of the field “sustainable materials management” with technical knowledge but also economical, organisational and managerial knowledge. It gives students a profound education in the field of sustainable industrial engineering particularly with regards to material efficiency (recycling, reuse, additive manufacturing, product design) and new value chains (reverse logistics, supply chain, economics, processes performance). In Grenoble the students will specialize in sustainability and industrial engineering, and will be able to make sustainable decisions on industrial value chains or on specific new technologies/processes regarding the materials value chain.
U. Trento – INP Grenoble
The first year at Trento is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the general basic knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques and mechanical design.
The second year in Grenoble aims, apart from optimisation skills, to give students the complete and big picture of the field “sustainable materials management” with technical knowledge but also economical, organisational and managerial knowledge. It gives students a profound education in the field of sustainable industrial engineering particularly with regards to material efficiency (recycling, reuse, additive manufacturing, product design) and new value chains (reverse logistics, supply chain, economics, processes performance). In Grenoble the students will specialise in sustainability and industrial engineering, and will be able to make sustainable decisions on industrial value chains or on specific new technologies/processes regarding the materials value chain.
UNIMIB – INP Grenoble
The first year at Milano-Bicocca is based on mandatory courses characterized by three aims. i) Advanced knowledge in the physics and chemistry of materials. Aim of this part of the programme is the acquisition of a general scheme for the interpretation and the design of function vs. structure relationships in a wide class of materials. ii) Acquisition of competences in experimental techniques of material characterization and synthesis, with activities in experimental laboratories interacting with research groups at the Department of Materials Science. iii) Specific classes of materials and function-related structures, giving also a basis for understanding the strategy for a sustainable technology.
The second year in Grenoble aims, apart from optimisation skills, to give students the complete and big picture of the field “sustainable materials management” with technical knowledge but also economical, organisational and managerial knowledge. It gives students a profound education in the field of sustainable industrial engineering particularly with regards to material efficiency (recycling, reuse, additive manufacturing, product design) and new value chains (reverse logistics, supply chain, economics, processes performance). In Grenoble the students will specialise in sustainability and industrial engineering, and will be able to make sustainable decisions on industrial value chains or on specific new technologies/processes regarding the materials value chain.The table with ID 8 not exists.
KU Leuven - Montanuniversitaet Leoben
The first year at Leuven is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the generalbase knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques, materials modelling and materials processing. The students are interacting with industrial partners through company visits and lab sessions.
The second year at Montanuniversitaet Leoben has a strong focus on process- and business management as well as economics, building the base for an entrepreneurial mind-set and leadership skills. This is complemented by product development, production planning and logistics courses (innovation and sustainability). The master thesis and compulsory internship establish supplementary ties to industry.
U. Trento - Montanuniversitaet Leoben
The first year at Trento is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the general basic knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques and mechanical design.
The second year at Montanuniversitaet Leoben has a strong focus on process- and business management as well as economics, building the base for an entrepreneurial mind-set and leadership skills. This is complemented by product development, production planning and logistics courses (innovation and sustainability). The master thesis and compulsory internship establish supplementary ties to industry.The table with ID 6 not exists.
KU Leuven – U. Trento
The first year at Leuven is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the generalbase knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques, materials modelling and materials processing. The students are interacting with industrial partners through company visits and lab sessions.
The second year at Trento is based on the curriculum of Industrial Processes Management and Optimization. This curriculum is characterized by a set of disciplines crossing the fields of Operations Research and Industrial Management aimed at building useful skills for an efficient management of manufacturing processes and optimization of materials, considering all aspects, i.e., scientific, technological, economic and organizational. For the achievement of such skills special emphasis is devoted to models and methods of mathematical and reticular programming, systems for the simulation and management of tails, decisions and quality control supporting systems, informative systems for logistics and production. The final goal is to build a Materials Engineer combining good technical skills (acquired during the first year at KU Leuven) and well developed entrepreneurial attitudes to successfully drive innovation in large companies and SMEs.The table with ID 11 not exists.
KU Leuven - UNIMIB
The first year at Leuven is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the generalbase knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques, materials modelling and materials processing. The students are interacting with industrial partners through company visits and lab sessions.
The second year at Milano-Bicocca comprises various courses on entrepreneurship and industrial aspects in the area of materials science – including nanotechnology, composites, microelectronics, and molecular materials – which may be composed in a personalized programme through mandatory and elective courses. Then, a relevant number of credits are devoted to the research activity of master Thesis and internship in close connection with research groups and industrial partners, putting the student in contact with cutting-edge research topics and up-to-date methods of investigation. The full immersion in team activities within research groups and international networks stimulates specific awareness for managing research, applications, and curiosity for new problems and ideas. Additional activities regard seminars of experts from industry on management and innovation topics, besides laboratories of scientific language, and an Italian language laboratory (together with a wide cultural proposal on transversal competences) for an optimal integration of incoming foreign students. The table with ID 3 not exists.
Montanuniversitaet Leoben - KU Leuven
The first year at Montanuniversitaet Leoben is mostly based on compulsory technical courses giving students the basic knowledge on characterization techniques, classes of materials (building materials, ceramics, and metals), material processing and recycling complemented by simulation and modelling courses.
The second year at Leuven has a strong focus on science based knowledge generation as a basis for innovation (master thesis), exposure to industry (through thesis and internship) and modules aiming at developing an innovative and entrepreneurial mind-set as well as leadership values.The table with ID 7 not exists.
U. Trento – KU Leuven
The first year at Trento is mostly based on compulsory technical courses aimed at giving the general basic knowledge of materials science and engineering. Courses focus on different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites), jointly with courses on materials properties and characterization techniques and mechanical design.
The second year at Leuven has a strong focus on science based knowledge generation as a basis for innovation (master thesis), exposure to industry (through thesis and internship) and modules aiming at developing an innovative and entrepreneurial mind-set as well as leadership values.The table with ID 12 not exists.
UNIMIB – KU Leuven
The first year at Milano-Bicocca is based on mandatory courses characterized by three aims. i) Advanced knowledge in the physics and chemistry of materials. Aim of this part of the programme is the acquisition of a general scheme for the interpretation and the design of function vs. structure relationships in a wide class of materials. ii) Acquisition of competences in experimental techniques of material characterization and synthesis, with activities in experimental laboratories interacting with research groups at the Department of Materials Science. iii) Specific classes of materials and function-related structures, giving also a basis for understanding the strategy for a sustainable technology.
The second year at Leuven has a strong focus on science based knowledge generation as a basis for innovation (master thesis), exposure to industry (through thesis and internship) and modules aiming at developing an innovative and entrepreneurial mind-set as well as leadership values.The table with ID 4 not exists.